New Feature

Checkout flow builder

Enhance your Cloudshelf kiosk checkout with custom fulfilment options and seamless payment flexibility using our new Checkout Flow Builder.
September 4, 2024
Checkout flow builder

Enhanced fulfilment options for your store

The Checkout Flow Builder enables retailers to create custom checkout experiences tailored to their specific fulfilment needs. This feature goes beyond standard home delivery by allowing you to set up additional fulfilment methods. For example, you might want to offer an Express 48-Hour Collection option for certain products in your online catalogue, giving customers the flexibility to choose a fulfilment method that best suits their schedule.

Retailers also have the option to add charges for these express fulfilment methods, such as Click & Collect or other faster delivery options. You can set these fees directly from within the Checkout Flow Builder, allowing you to manage the costs associated with these services while giving customers the convenience of more flexible delivery choices.

Additionally, the Checkout Flow Builder allows you to customize payment methods based on the fulfilment type. You can switch between mobile QR code payments and card payments, or even offer a combination of both, depending on the fulfilment option selected by the customer. This flexibility ensures a seamless checkout process that adapts to both the fulfilment and payment preferences of your store and customers.

For more details on how to create and configure your custom checkout flow, check out our step-by-step guide in the Helpdesk article.

To find out more about this feature, or to enquire about how we can help you to roll-out your endless aisle kiosks in-store, please contact us on