New Feature

Cloudshelf Banner Screens

You can now use Cloudshelf to display promotional and advertising full screen banners with dynamic call-to-actions that lead the shopper straight to the product or sale you are promoting, merging the benefits of Endless Aisle and Digital Signage. Drive and measure traffic to a specific product, promotion, collection or any part of your Cloudshelf, website, social media, mailing list and more.
January 19, 2023
Sofia Rafiq
Cloudshelf Banner Screens

Introducing our latest addition to Cloudshelf - custom banner screens! Retailers can now easily create and upload visually stunning interactive banners to capture the attention of shoppers and increase engagement. This truly merges the benefits of Endless Aisle with Visual Merchandising and Digital Signage with a call-to-action that drives sales in the instant.

With flexible options to create simple banners with promotional messaging or upload existing banners, keeping content fresh and relevant has never been more simple.

Screen banner directs shopper to stores entire range
Interactive screen banner directing shoppers to a stores entire range

Our Image Banners work in both our Interactive and Display modes, allowing you to configure exactly how they appear and where they direct customers. For example:

  • on Interactive mode, you can choose to display your banners in rotation until the screen is interacted with, creating a minimalistic attract screen feel; or you can have banners appear every X seconds;
Interactive screen banner directing shoppers to a specific collection
Interactive screen banner directing shoppers to a stores sale collection
  • on Display mode, auto generated (and trackable) QR codes can direct customers to any part of your website. Whether it's directing shoppers to your 'Winter Sale' collection for example or maybe you're mission is to increase your mailing list by directing customers to your 'Sign Up' page. The possibilities are endless with Cloudshelf Image Banners.
Screen banner with QR code directing shopper to a particular collection
Display screen banner directing shoppers to a stores sale collection

Get started now by launching the Cloudshelf app and creating as many banners as you like - to enhance your in-store experience and create happy, returning customers through beautiful digital displays.

Keen to find out how to create your banners? See our help page here: How to create a custom screen banner for your Cloudshelf